Monday, November 14, 2022

Riptide SL Quart Bottle Holders are Here!

If you use the industry standard quart bottles on your pool route transporting them to your stops on the Riptide SL Cart has gotten even easier. These quart bottles are popular with companies like United Chemical, Boi-Dex, Applied Bio Chemicals, and many more. Plus a lot of service techs like to carry a squirt bottle of dish soap mixed with water to spray the pool surface to cut down the surface glare. 

You can add as many as 4 of the Quart Bottle Holders to the Riptide which is a great way to bring back the industry-standard Quart Bottles and Spray Bottles to your stops. You can also transport up to 5 Tri-Chlor Tablets back with you in one of the holders. 


One thing to note is that the bottles fit in tight. If you are testing out the Quart Bottle Holder when it is not mounted on the Riptide SL vacuum you may think it does not fit. But it will fit just fine once they are mounted as it will provide good resistance and you push the bottle in. Some bottles will fit in better than others and some may not go all the way down leaving you an inch or so, but believe me, they will not come out on the road. 

You may also be interested in the Handle Bar organizer as well. 


The Handlebar Organizer can hold a leaf rake, brush, Taylor test kit, test strips, tools, and whatever else you wish to add to it. This will leave the bins open for chemicals and other pool tools. The organizer has opened up the possibilities with the Riptide SL cart and you can bring some much need supplies back with you now to every stop. 
More about the Riptide SL:
The Riptide Pool Vacuum System made its debut in late 2016. Since then, it has gone through several transformations. The Riptide Circa 2021 is the finest version yet and it is packed with so many updated features it should have been called the Riptide SL 2.0. Listen as David Sargent
President goes over some of the features for you in person. 

Here are some of the great updated features:
High Torque Motor (uses rare earth magnets) High Torque Motor- Our new High Torque motor utilizes rare earth magnets making it the most powerful vacuum on the market

The cord -the new protective external layer –just feels so solid and durable

Cord Clip – secures the cord to the cart so no more worries of it falling off and dragging on the ground

Stainless steel end plates on the vacuum head

The cart is now e-coated before powder coating & the Transport Rack Is e-coated now too - Electrostatic Coating- All of our powder-coated parts are now electrostatic coated (ecoating) and then powder coated over. This makes the finish of our components much more durable.

Extremely high-quality integrated steering knuckle -Integrated Stainless Steel Steering Knuckle. This allows you to hook any pole directly up to the Riptide vacuum without the need for any adaptors while being effortless to maneuver in the water.

The SL model Riptides now include a Diagnostic/Tool Kit with a battery load tester, the load tester is essential for quickly determining battery condition.

The bags now have a different ring color to differentiate different microns.

The bags (100 Micron and below) are double layers now this feature is making the bags last much longer.

25 Micron Bag available (specialty dust bag) this bag can eliminate the need to system vac a pool with a dust problem.

The updated Riptide SL is the most durable vacuum system on the market today. The shell is backed by a 10-year warranty, the added steel plates to the vacuum head sides, the stainless steel knuckle, and the new beefed-up cord make it designed to last! The cart and transport rack has been given a stronger paint job thanks to the new Electrostatic coating!

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