Pool Service Cart by T.Dula Specialties

I have been using a T.Dula Service Cart since I started in the business way back in 1988. My cart was so worn out (they eventually do wear out over several years) that I just dropped it off at my local Superior and let the guys there have it.

So I am very familiar with the durability and quality of this Service Cart.
If you mount it correctly as shown in the video, you will never need to lift it on or off the hitch which makes life all the more easier. I don't know how guys get through their day without one. The Service Cart can hold so many things that it will be a rare occasion to have to go back to your truck for something.
You can also customize the cart by adding a bottle rack and a trash can type holder to it. If you live in Orange County T.Dula specialties will add these for you or a local welder can also customize the cart for you. It comes standard with a holder for a 5-way test kit, but you can also special order one that will hold a Taylor test kit.
The rugged wheels will allow you to take this cart anywhere on your route. It is also skinny enough to fit through most backyard gates.
You can get it in coated steel or stainless steel and they can also make a custom color for you if you like.
In this video I also go over the parts you will need to mount the Service Cart to your truck. It is pretty easy to do, the only part you will have to find or have made for you is a custom Shank for the Dula II Hitch. The Dula II Hitch needs to be installed with the bottom of the hitch about 16 inches from the ground. This will allow you to easily slide the cart off and on without lifting it. Since every truck brand varies in height for the receiver a custom Shank must be made for you. T.Dula does carry Shanks and if you live in the Orange County area of California they can make one for you. But a local welder or muffler shop should be able to make one for you. So the three things you will need is a Class III 2" receiver mounted to the bottom of your truck, a custom drop shank and the Dula II Hitch. That is it, Pretty simple.
So if you don't yet have a Service Cart, look into getting one of these from T.Dula Specialties. You can order one at your local Superior or SCP Distributor.
To learn more you can contact them also on their website:
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