Friday, January 22, 2016

Aquabot Pool Rover Jr. a robotic cleaner

This is the Aquabot Pool Rover Jr. a robotic cleaner for your above ground pool. The Aqaubot  Pool Rover Jr does a great job cleaning an above ground pool and well worth looking into.

It is priced around $300 so it is an affordable way to keep your above ground pool clean, especially if you lack a suction port or have undersized pool equipment. The Pool Rover Jr works off of an external power supply and does not need to be connected to your pool to work.

It lacks some of the fancier features found on the higher priced cleaners like a top load debris chamber, a tangle free cable, a remote, brushes to scrub the bottom and a programmable timer. But really you can live without all of those for your above ground pool.

It is made specifically for an above ground pool so it rides higher off the ground to avoid getting caught on wrinkles in the liner. The rugged wide tires also will get it over any wrinkles on the bottom or any areas where the sand underneath is pilled up. It also filters down to 2 microns which is as good or better than a D.E. filter. While it is running it pumps 70 gallons per minute so it acts as a secondary filter for your pool. It also has a one year warranty.

To prevent cord tangling there is a pin in the front axle that can be moved from each front wheel area giving the Pool Rover Jr. an opposite tilt each time you run it in the pool.  This is pretty effective in preventing cable tangling.

Some of the higher priced Aquabot units come with a cord swivel to prevent the cord from tangling but for most small to medium above ground pools you should be fine with the standard cable.

The 40 ft of cable is plenty for most above ground pools. It also comes with a simple power unit which can be set for a large or small pool giving it either a two or three hour run time.

The Pool Rover Jr. will not climb the walls and it is designed to clean the bottom of the pool, which it does very well. It works in any shape above ground pool and the flat profile of the cleaner makes it ideal for above ground pools.

It only weighs 10 lbs so picking it up over the edge of a 3 ft-4 ft above ground pool is very easy.

So for the price point the Pool Rover Jr. is a great alternative for keeping your above ground pool clean. It picks up dirt as well as leaves, filters down to 2 microns and comes with a 100% one year warranty.

A great buy for your above ground pool.

You can see other robotic cleaners by Aquabot on my Webite:!aquabot-robotic-cleaners/cv8i

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