Is The Threaded Wall Fitting of your Polaris or Legend Cleaner Stuck in the Wall? Here is a Trick to Remove it Safely

One thing that often happens over time is that your Polaris or Pentair Pressure Cleaner will no longer connect to the wall fitting. What happens is that the tabs in the threaded part of the connector break off so the only solution is to remove the 1 1/2” threaded wall fitting. But more times then I can remember the threaded fitting is calcified into the pool wall and it becomes impossible to thread it out without breaking it. Here is a very easy solution and one that I have used successfully on many occasions.

The Polaris cleaner is connected to the pool return line with a 91009001 UWF Connector Assembly Wall Fitting 9-100-9001 and the Pentair Legend uses the Pentair LXW22 White Complete Wall Fitting. This part is usually very long lasting, but it is the tabs on the threaded fitting that fail over time. So how do you get it out if you try to turn it and it doesn't budge? You can try a specially designed tool by Polaris, but this tool requires the two small tabs to be intact – which they rarely are, otherwise you wouldn't need to remove the threaded fitting in the first place. So that will not work in a case where the tabs are snapped off.

What I used to do is use a pair of Channel Locks and carefully turn it out – but many times the plastic wall fitting would crack and break and then it was near impossible to remove it. The problem is that while the wall fitting is hollow and you are turning it,, you can't get enough force on it to turn out the threaded parts from the wall. The solution is to re-insert the Quick Disconnect (or Pentair LXW22 depending on your cleaner) back into the wall fitting. You will have to hold it with one hand as without the tabs it will fall right out. With the Quick Disconnect back in the wall fitting it will allow you to then grip the threaded wall fitting with the Channel Locks and turn it out.

It's just basic physics. When the wall fitting it hollow there is no resistance and instead of turning it out it snaps and breaks instead. With the Quick Disconnect back in, the sides of the wall fitting are beefed up and solid again. In this solid state the Channel Locks can grab the wall fitting and now easily turn it out. It actually will thread out quite easily in most cases.

To prevent the wall fitting from locking up in the wall due to calcification when replacing it wrap some Teflon tape around the threaded part. This will make changing it the next time the tabs break off very easy. Or what I tend to do is not thread it in all the way, it just needs to be tight and there is no need to put it all the way into the wall. Either way, you want to prevent the new one from locking up on you. If it breaks off in the pool wall it is very hard to remove so for an easier task in the future try these two methods.

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