Cure Cloudy Swimming Pool Water
Here is a common scenario you may run into if multiple issues cause the cloudy water. Say there was a pool party over the weekend, and the pool was very cloudy on Monday. It could be a combination of the heavy bather load plus the pool running out of chlorine, combined with the organics in the water creating Combined Chlorine, or the filter being dirty due to the suntan lotion and organics in the water. You can see how all of this comes together and how each can contribute to the cloudy water. So, it is more complex than the causes and solutions below. It may take longer to correct if it is a combination of things, or you may need to do more steps. For example, in the above combination, you can backwash the pool filter or clean it apart. Run the pool pump for 24 hours and add chlorine to a shock level of 10 ppm. If you said chlorine but did not clean the filter or run the pool for 24 hours, the cloudy water issue may not disappear. Or if you cleaned the filter and ran the pool for 24 h...