My Go To Swimming Pool Water Testing Method
Here is a rundown of the different testing methods for your pool and spa. Each method has their pros and cons and I find a variety of methods works best. The Reagent Test Kits use a drop test, and when the reagent solution is entered into the water sample, a color change occurs. Taylor is the leading manufacturer of these reagent test kits, and you can also purchase an essential Pool Master Kit at your local pool store. The reagents can test for important factors like Chlorine, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, Bromine, Alkalinity, pH, Calcium Hardness, and CYA (Conditioner). These kits are easy to use and a great way to test your pool and spa water each week. The Taylor K-2005 and K-2006 are popular test kits. The drawback of the reagent test kit is user error. You will get a false reading if you don't add the correct number of drops. If the reagents are expired, you will also get an inaccurate reading. Like test strips, you match colors to get your reading, so if you need to improv...