The One True Benefit of a Salt Water System
Salt water generators are also referred to as saltwater systems or chlorine generators have only one true benefit and that is they generate and add chlorine to your pool for you. You no longer need to buy 3” Tri-Chlor Tablets, liquid chlorine, or Cal-Hypo shock. If you are looking for other benefits to justify the price there really isn’t one. You really don't save any money when you convert to a salt pool. In fact, it cost a lot more than using Chlorine or Bleach in your pool. Factor in the cost of the unit plus install, say $1,500 and then a new salt cell every 3-5 years at $500 and the salt to start $150 and you’re looking at over $2,000 for the first 5 years. And this is a low estimate in some regards. You would have to spend over $400 a year on chlorine to match that number. Typically, you are not spending over $100-$200 a season for your chlorine. The other drawbacks are constantly rising pH. Calcium flakes in the pool. Corrosive water to metal components ...