Swimming Pool VS Pump Best Run Times
My basic principle of setting the run time of a Variable Speed pump is to keep it simple. Yes, you can set up to 8 different speeds and run times in most pumps but why bother with that? I prefer to just set two different run times and call it a day. I like just using a low and medium speed. A high-speed program is not necessary in most cases. What I mean by low is 1700 to 1800 RPM or if you are using percentages to set your speed that would be 50%. Going off of 3450 RPM being 100%, half of that would be around 1,700 RPM or 50% in the menu. Then I would set a medium speed of 2400 RPM to 2600 RPM or roughly 70% if you are setting it that way. You really are not saving anything if you set the speeds any higher. Basically, you can set your low speed by simply taking your current single-speed pump run time and doubling it on the low-speed mode. So if your pool ran for 8 hours per day at 3450 RPM you will need to set your low speed (1700 RPM) to run for 16 hours. This will give yo...