Cures for high swimming pool filter PSI
Let’s rule out the most dangerous situation of high filter PSI which is a blockage in the line. This is probably the rarest but can be the deadliest as your filter tank could explode. Typically, it is something after your heater, maybe a broken check valve or debris lodged in your salt cell. On even rarer occasions I have had customers deadhead their pool return by over-rotating the Jandy Valve past the safety notches. Typically a filter that has a blockage will have the PSI spike rapidly and the skimmer will have poor flow. The most obvious reason for the high PSI is that the filter is dirty. Simply cleaning the filter or backwashing it if you have a D.E. Or Sand Filter will usually lower the PSI down to the acceptable range. The clean starting filter PSI will vary from filter to filter, some hover around 10-15 PSI but many cartridge filters start at 20 PSI. The best way to know in your case is to clean the filter and then mark on the gauge the clean PSI for your particula...