Pool and Spa Water Test Kits Overview: Test Strips, Reagent Testers and Photometers
There are several ways that you can test your swimming pool water or spa each week. The most common methods are test strips and reagent test kits. Not as common but growing are the photometer testers or digital testers. Here is an overview of the different testing methods. Test strips are not only popular but very easy to use. Many different manufacturers make them like AquaChek, Taylor, and LaMotte to name a few and you can find them just about everywhere from your grocery store, hardware store and local pool store. You can purchase them online as well and there are many different types of strips available for testing everything from chlorine, borate to copper in the water. The ease of use of test strips makes these great for beginners. Just dip them in the water sample and match the color of the strip to the guide on the back of the bottle. I find that the color matching is accurate, and it will give you a good range of the chemistry level in your pool or spa. The...