
Showing posts from November, 2013

Who Makes the Best Pool Equipment -Pentair, Hayward, Jandy or Off Brands?

An old Brass Pump Here is a question I get a lot on my YouTube Channel and one that can't be answered by just stating that one company is the best. The truth is they all make pretty comparable products with a few distinctions. First, they don't make pool equipment like they used to. If you are in the industry you will find a lot of old American Product filters and pumps still working fine in customers backyards along with old Purex/ Triton pumps. I hate to say it but the newer equipment is not made nearly as well. Pretty obvious when a 20 year old pump is outlasting a newly installed 5 year old pump. But I think that is a problem across the board as manufacturer switch to cheaper regions to make products which is a grip for another Blog.  Suffice to say that there is only a small distinction now between the companies. Here is a real world review of each brand from working off and on in the Pool Industry since 1988. NUMBER ONE: PENTAIR/ STA-RITE Pentair doesn't openl...

So You Wanna Have a Swimming Pool Built, Eh? - By Raymond Chandler

It was on of those typical California Mornings. Already hot enough to cook an egg and make you sweat for just breathing. I couldn't afford to sweat today or any day at that. So I sat inside smoking and turned the air on to a crisp 60 degrees. I sat and waited which I am good at. The doorbell rang 10 minutes ahead of schedule. This could be good or bad and I was about to find out which. I opened the door and there stood the first mark. He wasn't much to look at. I could have picked him up and tossed him across the room without breaking a sweat. He was dressed fine like afterwards he was going to his sister's Wedding. We shook hands, as I expected he tried too hard to grip me and it felt like A Butterfly kissing my hand. He introduced himself in a squeaky voice, "Hi, I'm Eugene Stanton from Sky Blue Pools. Nice to meet you." "Same to you" I said. Eugene, huh? Too bad. I didn't like anyone named Eugene so that was strike one against Mr. Stanton...